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When a transaction contains location info in the description or our system is able to find the location of the merchant this will be returned as a LocationStructured object. The schema of the LocationStructured object is as follows:

addressstringThe street address (including house number, apartment, suite, unit, or building number, if applicable).
citystringCity, district, suburb, town, or village.
statestringState, county, province, or region.
postcodestringZIP or postal code.
countrystringTwo-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
country_namestringCountry name.
latitudefloatLatitude of the location.
longitudefloatLongitude of the location.
google_maps_urlstringLink to the location on Google Maps
apple_maps_urlstringLink to the location on Apple Maps
store_numberfloatStore number of the location if found in the transaction description.

Please note that all of these location fields are potentially nullable.